SOFI-expertise is a collaboration of the Dutch Universities, the Dutch Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW) and the Dutch Research Council (NWOi). Established in 2006 with the aim of sharing, developing, and securing knowledge in the field of global mobility of research and teaching staff. Within this collaboration about 15 specialists, who all work for one of the collaborating employers, share their skills and knowledge in the field of global mobility. This specific expertise, with a strong focus on global mobility in the public sector, is unique and hard to find in the market.
What do we do?
Over the years, SOFI-expertise has developed into a collaboration with impact. Our measurable activities are: handling almost all applications for the 30%-ruling in the Dutch scientific research and teaching sector; annually handling over a thousand global mobility queries on applicable law; publishing news articles; offering seminars and training programs for HR specialists, company lawyers and internationalization staff; and managing our knowledge library at ‘’.
Less easily measurable, but perhaps even more valuable, is our commitment in mediating and raising awareness about mobility obstacles in legislation and regulations, such as: access to the Wlz for accompanying partners and guest researchers; accessibility of the 30% tax facility for academic staff; avoiding of double taxation for government employees; and the implementation of the Posted Workers directive into HR-policies of our members. Last-but-not-least, SOFI-expertise functions as a platform for career development for support staff of members who want to develop their global mobility skills, something that is not always possible within their own institutions.
Why should you participate?
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” is what Aristotle ones said. This definitely applies to our collaboration. Not only because we can do much more work together for a fraction of the cost. Our joint commitment has great potential and does not go unnoticed by our stakeholders who accept us as a serious discussion partner.
Due to increased globalization and the fact that it is becomes more and more normal to work from home (also from abroad), you as an employer are increasingly faced with cross-border jurisdiction issues. The available capacity and knowledge in the field of cross-border work and global mobility within their own institution is often scarce, sometimes only entrusted to 1 person. By participating in our collaboration this vulnerability can be removed.